Lesley Wheeler

Today's show features poet Lesley Wheeler, and her wonderful new book of poems, Mycocosmic. It’s a fascinating book both in its individual poems and in its overall assembly. It takes us under the earth to the mycelia below, and under the skin to the heart inside.

Lesley Wheeler’s previous poetry collections include The State She’s In, Radioland, The Receptionist, Heterotopia, and Propagation. She has also published the novel Unbecoming and and a collection of essays, Poetry’s Possible Worlds. Wheeler edits poetry for the literary magazine Shenandoah and teaches at Washington & Lee University. Her work has been supported by the Fulbright program, the National Endowment for the Humanities, Breadloaf, and the Sewanee Writers Conference.

Pick up a copy of Mycocosmic here.
Read more about Wheeler here.

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Creators and Guests

Jason Gray
Jason Gray
Jason Gray is the author of the poetry collections Radiation King and Photographing Eden. His poems and reviews have appeared in Poetry, Kenyon Review, Southern Review, Image, and elsewhere.
Lesley Wheeler
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